by Judy Bradbury | Aug 20, 2020 | Adventure, Fantasy, Picture Book, Science, Social-Emotional Learning
by Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi; Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers; 2020. Years in the making, the eagerly-anticipated Gurple and Preen picture book began with Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s blog, which features broken-crayon art and has...
by Judy Bradbury | Jul 14, 2020 | Chapter Book, Science, Social-Emotional Learning
by Dee Romito, illustrated by Marta Kissi; Aladdin Quix; 2020. The Birthday Castle is the first of four titles planned for the Fort Builders, Inc. beginning chapter book series, part of the Quix Fast Fun Reads line from Aladdin. The series centers on a resourceful...
by Judy Bradbury | Jun 9, 2020 | Biography, Chapter Book, English Language Arts, Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction, Middle-grade novel, Picture Book, Poetry, Social Studies, Social-Emotional Learning
This month the Children’s Book Corner blog post is dedicated to shining a light on outstanding children’s books by people of color and offering resources for sharing their books. Read, discuss, and celebrate noteworthy diverse books by creators of color...
by Judy Bradbury | May 15, 2020 | Middle-grade novel, Social-Emotional Learning
A Home for Goddesses and Dogs by Leslie Connor; Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins, 2020. A Home for Goddesses and Dogs is one of those stories that holds you in its capable arms and wraps you in its goodness. Books such as this one reinforce why I prefer...
by Judy Bradbury | Apr 15, 2020 | English Language Arts, Poetry
by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, illustrated by Ryan O’Rourke; WordSong/Boyds Mills & Kane, 2020. Write! Write! Write! is the satisfying companion to Read! Read! Read!. This collection of brightly illustrated, kid-friendly poems celebrates the empowerment,...