by Judy Bradbury | Apr 6, 2020 | Poetry
by Jacqueline Jules, illustrated by Iris Deppe; Albert Whitman, 2020. Persistence and play. If ever there were a time for persistence, it is now. And if ever there were a time to encourage children to play in an effort to ward off stress and shift the focus from our...
by Judy Bradbury | Mar 4, 2020 | Picture Book, Social-Emotional Learning
by Daniel Bernstrom, illustrated by Shane W. Evans; HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2020. Our young narrator is scared. He doesn’t want to go to school. Big Papa understands. He knows a thing or two about being scared, about being brave, and about love....
by Judy Bradbury | Feb 2, 2020 | Picture Book, Social-Emotional Learning
by Alice Faye Duncan, illustrated by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow; A Denene Millner Book/Simon & Schuster, 2020. “Mommy and Daddy live miles away. I wish we lived together. Maybe one day that will be.” So begins this tender tale chronicling...
by Judy Bradbury | Jan 7, 2020 | Biography, Picture Book, Social-Emotional Learning
by Kathleen M. Blasi, illustrated by Shane W. Evans; Sterling, 2019. Hosea Missouri Taylor, Jr. was a musician with a mission. He was successful at engaging young children in his hometown of Rochester, New York with his skills at playing the saxophone, clarinet,...
by Judy Bradbury | Oct 9, 2019 | Chapter Book, Social-Emotional Learning
by Debbi Michiko Florence, illustrated by Elizabet Vuković; Farrar Straus Giroux, 2018. Spunky, warm-hearted, and determined, Jasmine Toguchi returns in the third of four installments currently available in the eponymous early chapter book series written by Debbi...