Next to writing and reading, my favorite activity is talking about writing and reading (I also love cycling, but that’s a topic for another discussion.). Before I became a full-time writer, I was a full-time teacher. Visiting schools and working with students from preschool through graduate school is like “going home” for me. I have been lucky to travel across the country to talk about books, reading, and writing . To get an idea of my programs, take a look here. Find what people have said about my visits and workshops here. Listed below are upcoming events. Contact me to book a visit, presentation, or workshop. We’ll tailor it to meet your specific needs or goals.
November 15, 2024
Rustic Buffalo Holiday Sip n' Shop
Looking forward to kicking off the holiday season at a fun event on Friday, November 15th at the Kenan Center in Lockport, NY. Happy to return to the city where I taught for several years to talk with folks and sign books, which we all know make great gifts! Hope to see you there!
November 2, 2024
Rochester Children's Book Festival
I am honored to participate again this year in the Rochester Children’s Book Festival! In its 27th year, this nationally recognized literacy event is taking place at Monroe Community College from 10am-4pm. Come by and enjoy the richness of books, meet authors and illustrators from across the country, and particpate in a variety of activities and presentations intended for kids of all ages!
August 31, 2024
3rd Annual Better Off Read Summer Book Festival
On Saturday August 31st from noon-2pm, I’ll be signing books at the City of Light Publishing booth at the 3rd Annual Better Off Read Summer Book Festival at Artpark State Park in Lewiston, NY. This family-friendly outdoor event celebrates reading and the love of books and features tons of fun activities, including a raffle!
August 24, 2024
2nd Annual Elmwood Village Artfest
I am looking forward to participating in the 2nd Annual Elmwood Village Artfest on Saturday August 24th from 1-3pm. You can find me in the VIP area at the City of Light Publishing booth (near the erstwhile Cecilia’s Restaurant). This popular family-friendly outdoor event supports local artists, musicians, performers, businesses, and the community as a whole. Art, music, food, and fun!
August 12, 2024
Rochester City School District Day of Learning
I am looking forward to meeting Pre-K–Grade 6 educators at the Rochester City School District’s Day of Learning inservice event. We will share books and ideas for connecting SEL themes to curriculum using great children’s books. I’ve got a box full of books packed up. I’m excited!
June 29, 2024
WNY Book Arts Center Bookfest
Following the Canalside Children’s Book Fest, I’ll be hopping over to the WNY Book Arts Center on Washington Street to participate in the WNY Book Arts Center Bookfest from noon-3:00pm. This event is free and features many family-friendly art activities.
June 29, 2024
Canalside Children's Book Fest '24
I’m thrilled to have been invited to read aloud from my books to kids as a Celebrity Reader from 10:30-11:00am at the inaugural Canalside Children’s Book Fest taking place on June 29th. Oolala!!
May 18, 2024
Canandaigua Children's Book Fest
On May 18th I’m participating in the Children’s Book Fest at Wood Library in Canandaigua, NY. This book fair, held every other year, is small but mighty, suffused with incredible energy, an array of hands-on activities, and a palpable love of children’s books. I’m delighted to be part of the event again this year.
April 27, 2024
Independent Bookstore Day
April 27th is Independent Bookstore Day and I’ll be a guest bookseller from 1:00 pm-2:30pm at one of my favorite children’s book indies, Alice, Ever After Books! Plan to stop by and join in the fun activities planned for the day!
April 6, 2024
WNY Book Arts Center Edible Books Event
On April 6th I’m looking forward to being part of the 16th Annual WNY Book Arts Center Edible Books Event taking place from 11am-2pm. What does your favorite book taste like?? Come join the family fun-filled event featuring tasty creations, book signings, bookmaking demos, raffles, and more!
March 18, 2024
Creating Chapter Books That Will Capture Growing Independent Readers
I’ll be discussing chapter books with members of Buffalo-Niagara Children’s Writers and Illustrators on March 18th from 7:00-8:00pm at Audubon Library. We’ll explore characteristics of chapter books, identify essential tips to creating memorable stories for this age group, and we’ll peruse an array of great examples. FUN!
February 29, 2024
New Year, New Shelf: Refresh, Revive, Rejuvenate Your Bookshelf
RESCHEDULED to February 29th due to weather!
Join me at Alice, Ever After Bookstore at 295 Parkside Avenue, Buffalo, NY on February 29th from 5:30-7:30pm! Fabulous children’s indie bookstore owner, Meg Howe, and I will be showcasing and booktalking notable new releases from board books through Young Adult. Registration is required as space at the bookstore is limited. Refreshments will be served, discounts on purchases will be offered, and there will be prizes! Register here. Free for members; $10 for non-members.
November 4, 2023
Rochester Children's Book Festival
I couldn’t be more thrilled to participate again this year in the Rochester Children’s Book Festival! In its 26th year, the event is taking place at Monroe Community College from 10am-4pm.
April 29, 2023
Celebrating Annual Independent Bookstore Day!
What could be more F-U-N than this for a bookish person? I’m delighted to be volunteering at the cash register at my favorite local indie bookstore, Alice, Ever After at 295 Parkside Avenue across from the Buffalo Zoo, on Independent Bookstore Day, April 29th, from 1:00-2:30 pm! Stop by if you live in the Buffalo area and see what all the excitement is about at this amazing neighborhood children’s bookstore operated by dynamo, Meg Howe! While on duty, I’ll be happy to pause to sign copies of my Cayuga Island Kids books, and rumor has it there will be a gift with each purchase. There will also be entertainment throughout the day. Check the bookstore events page for details. Join in the F-U-N!
March 7 and March 21, 2023
Niagara Frontier Reading Council Professional Book Discussion Group Meetings
I’m delighted to be hosting a discussion of You Can’t Say That! Writers for Young People Talk About Censorship, Free Expression, and the Stories They Have to Tell for the Niagara Frontier Reading Council on Tuesday, March 7 from 6:00-7:30pm, and welcoming author Leonard S. Marcus to give a presentation on the book on Tuesday, March 21. Find more information about this exciting virtual event and register here! If you subscribe to my blog, contact me for a code for special pricing!
December 3, 2022
Buffalo Seminary Holiday Market
Join me at Buffalo Seminary on Saturday, December 3, from 1pm-3pm. I’ll be signing copies of The Cayuga Island Kids series books. A special holiday set of all three books will be available at event pricing! Personalized books make terrific gifts, and I’ll be happy to sign yours. Hope to see you there!
November 26, 2022
Buffalo History Museum Holiday Makers Market
Join me at the Buffalo History Museum’s Holiday Makers Market on Saturday, November 26, from 1pm-3pm. I’ll be signing copies of The Cayuga Island Kids series books, and we all know that personalized books make terrific gifts! The museum is located at 1 Museum Court, Buffalo, NY 14216. See you there!
November 5, 2022
Rochester Children's Book Festival
The Rochester Children’s Book Festival is back in person and I couldn’t be more thrilled to participate! Taking place at Rochester Institute of Technology from 10am-4pm.
September 17, 2022
SCBWI West/Central NY Conference
Looking forward to participating in the SCBWI West/Central NY Conference, “Playing with Words and Pictures” where I will talk about researching details when creating story: “From Cannonballs to Glitter Pens: Researching the Details that Thread the Story.”
September 9, 2022
University at Buffalo Women's Club
I’ll be joining a group of authors appearing at the UB Women’s Club Fall Luncheon on September 9th at Banchetti’s by Rizzo in Amherst, NY.
August 28, 2022
Cayuga Island Kids Book 3 Event!
Join me in Jayne Park on Cayuga Island in Niagara Falls as we celebrate the release of Book 3 in the Cayuga Island Kids series, The Case of the Messy Message and the Missing Facts with a craft activity, giveaways, and the dedication of the Cayuga Island Kids Little Free Library! Noon – 2 pm.
August 27, 2022
Barnes & Noble Storytime and Book Signing
Looking forward to stopping in the Barnes & Noble on Niagara Falls Boulevard in Amherst, NY for Storytime at 11am! I’ll also be signing copies of my books.
June 24-27, 2022
ALA Annual Conference 2022
Looking forward to attending the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC in late June! Find me at the IBPA booth. Stop by, say hello, pick up some swag, and get your Cayuga Island Kids books signed!
June 12, 2022
Allen West Festival
Looking forward to participating in the popular outdoor Allen West Festival in the city of Buffalo! Find me at the City of Light Publishing tent. Stop by, say hello, and get your Cayuga Island Kids books signed! Special event price for the three-book set!
May 7, 2022
Ashker's Cafe Opening Event
Looking forward to celebrating the opening of the new Ashker’s Cafe at 447 3rd Street in Niagara Falls, NY on Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 1:00-3:00pm with the pre-launch of Book 3 in the Cayuga Island Kids series, The Case of the Messy Message and the Missing Facts. With the new restaurant located just a couple of miles from Cayuga Island, what could be more fun? All three books in the series will be available, and I will be happy to sign them. Come by, experience the restaurant, and chat about the setting of the series! Gift with purchase of each book!
April 9, 2022
University of Buffalo Women's Club Luncheon
Looking forward to attending this event, meeting and greeting members–and of course signing books–at the lovely Samuel’s Grande Manor.
April 6, 2022
Niagara Frontier Reading Council Spring Book Fair and Share Event
Kim Krug, bookseller at Monkey See, Monkey Do…Bookstore, and I are looking forward to booktalking some terrific new spring releases for Pre-K–Young Adult to help educators Build Your Shelves at the Niagara Frontier Reading Council’s Spring Event! Join us at CLaRI, the reading center on University of Buffalo’s north campus, on Wednesday, April 6 from 5:00-6:30pm for this free event! Participants will have the opportunity to browse the books, receive a discount on all sales and orders, network with colleagues…and there will be raffles! Light refreshments will be served. Pre-register, please. Directions and parking details will be provided to participants. See you there!
March 26, 2022
Book signing at Alice, Ever After Children's Bookstore
Rescheduled from January due to Covid concerns
Find me at Alice, Ever After Books, 295 Parkside Avenue, Buffalo, NY on Saturday, March 26 from Noon- 1pm where I will be reading an excerpt from the Cayuga Island Kids chapter book series and signing Books 1 and 2. Readers ages 7-10, Grades 1-3 who enjoy history, mystery, adventure, friendship, and fun will enjoy this experience. Free swag and gift with purchase! Plus, you get to browse the warm and welcoming space created just for kids by dynamic local shopowner Meg . Note: pre-registration is required due to health and safety concerns. See you there!
March 9, 2022
Women's Teacher Association of Buffalo Dinner Meeting
What’s not to love about being invited to speak at a dinner meeting of educators? I am anticipating a lively evening sharing stories with this group of teachers whose common bond is a desire and a commitment to advancing literacy and opporunity through the education of our young people.
December 5, 2021
716MAS Totally Buffalo Festival
Find me at the Totally Buffalo 716MAS Festival at Riverworks on Sunday, December 5 from noon – 2PM where I will be signing Books 1 and 2 in the Cayuga Island Kids chapter book series! These books make ideal gifts for readers ages 7-10 who enjoy history, mystery, adventure, friendship, and fun. And who doesn’t love receiving a personalized book signed by the author? See you there!
December 3, 2021
Buffalo Public School Librarians Dinner Meeting
I’m delighted to have been invited to speak at the December dinner meeting of the Buffalo Public School Librarians. It’s no surprise that librarians are some of my favorite people because they cherish books as much as I do! I look forward to sharing stories of my journey as an author and teacher with this group of educators dedicated to enriching the reading life of students and advancing literacy.
November 6, 2021
Kids' Books Roc: Rochester Children's Book Festival
The Rochester Children’s Book Festival–regarded as one of the best in the country–returns this year as Kids’ Books Roc, a virtual event with sessions taking place throughout the day on November 6th from 10am-5pm. The complete roster of authors and illustrators and the times they will be featured can be found here. I’m delighted to be joining James Preller, Laurie Calkhoven, and Michelle Knudsen to talk about “Get Hooked on Chapter Books: Mysteries, Non-Fiction, and Humor” at 2pm. Register here for Kids’ Books Roc, stop by our session, and join the discussion!
Fall, 2021
Cayuga Island Kids School-Based Literacy Enrichment Experience
Kim Krug, owner of Monkey See, Monkey Do is offering schools an 8-week literacy enrichment program featuring Books 1 and 2 in the Cayuga Island Kids series, The Mystery of the Barking Branches and the Sunken Ship and The Adventure of the Big Fish by the Small Creek. I’ll join the group for one of the sessions to answer their questions about the Cayuga Island Kids series and talk about writing. Click here for more information.
October 27, 2021
Niagara Frontier Reading Council Professional Discussion Group
I’ll be leading the first meeting of Year 9 of the Niagara Frontier Reading Council’s Professional Book Discussion Group via Zoom on Wednesday, October 27th, from 6:30pm-8:30pm. This meeting is open to all NFRC and NYSRA members. We will discuss oustanding children’s books that feature soical-emotional learning (SEL) themes and offer a connection to curriculum for Grades Pre-K-Grade 12. Participants will receive two hours of CTLE credit. For more information and to sign up, visit Pre-registration is required to receive the secure link.
October 26, 2021
Cayuga Island Kids Virtual Book Club
I’m looking forward to meeting up virtually with kids who will be reading the second book in the Cayuga Island Kids series, The Adventure of the Big Fish by the Small Creek, and enjoying a variety of activities led by Kim Krug of Monkey See, Monkey Do on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm throughout the month of October. On October 26th I’ll join the group to hear their thoughts and answer their questions about the Cayuga Island Kids, the setting of the series, the Big Fish, brainstorming, community projects and making a difference, and of course any questions they may have about writing. Click here for information on how to register.
October 17, 2021
Shop for the holidays at this craft and local products event taking place in the Wurlitzer Building, 908 Niagara Falls Blvd, North Tonawanda! I’ll be signing copies of Books 1 and just-released Book 2 of the CAYUGA ISLAND KIDS series from 1pm-4pm. Books make the best gifts!
October 2, 2021
Canandaigua Children's Book Fest
I’m looking forward to participating in the Canandaigua Children’s Book Fest on October 2 taking place at Finger Lakes Community College from 10am-2pm. You can find me signing Books 1 and 2 in the Cayuga Island Kids series. I have word that a fun craft is planned in which kids can make a ship like the Griffon, the real trreasure ship at the center of Book 1 in the series, The Mystery of the Barking Branches and the Sunken Ship! Kids can also don Mac’s powder horn and coonskin cap and take a photo in the photo booth on site throughout the day. Loads of fun!
September 28, 2021
Tatler Preservation Society Luncheon
I’m delighted to have been invited to speak at the Tatler Preservation Society’s Fall Luncheon. I look forward to meeting this group dedicated to preserving and protecting the rich architecture of the Peter A. Porter Mansion, located in a historic corridor in Niagara Falls, just steps from the mighty wonder that is the backdrop for the Cayuga Island Kids series.
September 11-12, 2021
Printers Row Lit Fest
If you live in the Chicago area, join me at Printers Row Lit Fest on September 11 and 12!, You can find me signing Books 1 and 2 in the Cayuga Island Kids series alongside my illustrator Gabriella Vagnoli and Young Adult author Barbara Gregorich (The F Words) at the City of Light Publishing table!
August 19, 2021
Cayuga Island Kids Summer Literacy Experience
I’m looking forward to meeting up with kids who will be reading the first book in the Cayuga Island Kids series, The Mystery of the Barking Branches and the Sunken Ship, and enjoying a variety of activities led by Kim Krug of Monkey See, Monkey Do throughout the month of August at Glen Park Nature Play Area. On August 19th I’ll join the group to hear their thoughts and answer their questions about the Cayuga Island Kids, the setting of the series, the treasure ship the Griffon, and any questions they may have about writing. I’m guessing there will probably be a few comments about Pesky, too! Click here for information on how to register.
August 12, 2021
Erie County Fair
If you’re heading out to the Erie County Fair, stop by the Mount Vernon Pavilion! The CAYUGA ISLAND KIDS Book 1, The Mystery of the Barking Branches and the Sunken Ship will be for sale throughout the Fair, and I will be signing and personalizing books on Saturday, August 12th from 12:00-4:00pm. I’ll have bookmarks and other fun items connected to the book to share at “Western New York’s biggest event.” Hope to see you there!
August 9, 2021
Lewiston Writers' Group
I’m delighted to be joining members of the Lewiston Writers’ Group to discuss my experiences as a writer.
May 30, 2021
Totally Buffalo Festival
Stop by the Totally Buffalo Festival at Riverworks for a fun day at an outdoor event on Buffalo’s waterfront on Memorial Weekend! I’ll be signing the CAYUGA ISLAND KIDS Book 1, The Mystery of the Barking Branches and the Sunken Ship, on Sunday, May 30 from 12:30-3:00pm. I’ll have bookmarks and other fun items connected to the book to share. Hope to see you there!
Cayuga Island Kids Book Club
Crowdcast Author Event
“Judy delivers an action-packed reading adventure filled with treasure troves celebrating community, historic discoveries, nature and the outdoors, friendship, and teamwork.”–Kim Krug, Bookseller and owner, Monkey See, Monkey Do Bookstore