I’m Sorry You Got Mad by Kyle Lukoff, illustrated by Julie Kwon; Dial Books for Young Readers, 2024.

This funny, heartfelt picture book takes on “I’m sorry,” two of the most difficult words to express—especially when it isn’t your fault—or that’s the way you feel. With the help of a wise teacher and three simple rules, Jack works his way to a meaningful apology, managing to convey his feelings while mending fences with his friend.

“A sincere apology is the super glue of life. It can repair just about anything.”

~ Lynn Johnston, “For Better or For Worse” comic strip

Why this book? Why will it matter to kids?

The art of apology is elusive, but this endearing picture book will reach kids (and maybe adults!) where they are and aid them in their journey toward genuine expression of regret.

Why read aloud?

We gather to share a book. We settle into a safe space as we interact with the book. We talk and reflect, exchanging thoughts, exploring concepts, building background knowledge—and community. When read-aloud sessions are routine, children become comfortable voicing their perspectives. They grow in active listening skills and learn to respect the thoughts, feelings, experiences, and beliefs of others. When we (educators, parents, and caregivers) select age-appropriate, length-appropriate stories based on needs and abilities, we offer children the opportunity to see themselves, see others, find validation, and contemplate solutions to conflicts and challenges that they may not have considered.

Read-aloud sessions are inclusive: there is no reading skills or level barrier, and learning obstacles are mitigated by preparation prior to reading the book aloud. In a read-aloud session there is immersion as well as the comfort of distance from the challenges the characters encounter.

Reading aloud engages listeners, offering a positive, secure, stress-free “learning without struggle” experience grounded in a book, the value of which cannot be overestimated.

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive.” ~  James Baldwin


Levels and Layers of Learning

Grade level: Pre-K—3

Social-Emotional Learning Themes

Acceptance, connection, creativity, curiosity, empowerment, encouragement, fortitude, gratitude, inspiration, kindness, perseverance, persistance, perspective, relationship skills, resilience, resourcefulness, respect, self-assurance, self-awareness, self-management, self-reliance, social awareness, tenacity, understanding

Content Area Connections: Social-Emotional Learning, English Languare Arts

Using This Book in the Classroom

Hit the Ground Running Ready Resources for Educators, Homeschoolers, and Parents

Visit Kyle’s website.


I'm Sorry You Got Mad interior page

Illustration © Julie Kwon

Write Away! Ideas to prompt writing

“[There is} a deep connection between how students read, write, and communicate, and how they develop socially and emotionally.”  ~  Justina Schlund, Director of Field Learning for CASEL

Jack is mad. He’s sorry Zoe is upset, but he feels that knocking over the castle was not his fault. Have you ever done something you regretted that you felt wasn’t your fault? Did you apologize? Why? How? Was your apology accepted? Write about your experience.

Jack’s teacher, Ms. Rice, helps Jack write a meaningful apology. Using her three steps, write an apology to someone whose feelings you have hurt. See activity sheet to accompany this writing prompt.

Describe a time when someone did something that hurt your feelings or made you angry. What would you have liked that person to say or do to make it better?

What is your favorite page in the book? Why?

What do you imagine happening next in this story?


Poetry Break Related poetry to recite before or following the reading of this book

Poetry breaks fit perfectly into the framework of the school day. These brief moments can signal change, smooth or frame transitions—from beginning or ending the day to lining up for lunch; from zipping up backpacks and jackets to shifting from one subject to the next. Poetry breaks can reset mood or tone, providing a moment to pause, reflect, and breathe. Reading a poem aloud typically takes less than a minute, yet it can introduce or reinforce a concept, provide clarity, celebrate language, exemplify rhythm, enhance vocabulary, expand understanding, increase attention span, initiate reflection, spark imagination, or simply summon a giggle. And, poetry soothes and strengthens the spirit.

“Poetry builds resilience in kids and adults; it fosters Social and Emotional Learning. A well-crafted phrase or two in a poem can help us see an experience in an entirely new way.” ~  Elena Aguilar

A poem to share on the theme of “I’m sorry”: 

  • “Chant to Repair a Friendship” What the Heart Knows: Chants, Charms & Blessings by Joyce Sidman, illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski 

A poem to share on finding the right words: 

  • “Truth” Write! Write! Write! poems by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, illustrated by Ryan O’Rourke

 Newly released poetry books for children: 

  • Girls on the Rise by Amanda Gorman, illustrated by Loveis Wise encourages girls to embrace their differences, look within, be confident and strong, and work together, uplifting one another. Grades 1-3
  • A Universe of Rainbows: Multicolored Poems for a Multicolored World poems selected by Matt Forrest Esenwine, illustrated by Jamey Christoph offers a collection of poems by twenty poets that celebrate rainbows across nature. From finches to “sun dogs” to moonbows and national park wonders, each poem informs and delights, accompanied by a sidebar of science facts and bright art. Grades 1-4.


And Then There’s This…
Enrichment activities, related books, online resources, craft projects, and ideas for further study

Activity sheet to accompany I’m Sorry You Got Mad.

Teaching Books Resources

Book Collection Suggestions

Books that center on writing notes:

  • Bunny Wishes: A Winter’s Tale by Michaela Morgan, illustrated by Caroline Jayne Church
  • Clever Letters by Laura Allen, illustrated by Valerie Coursen
  • The Day the Crayons Quit (see also:The Day the Crayons Came Home) by Drew Daywalt, illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
  • Dear Annie by Judith Caseley
  • Dear Dragon by Josh Funk, illustrated by Rodolfo Montalvo
  • Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School by Mark Teague
  • Four Valentines in a Rainstorm by Felicia Bond
  • The Gardener by Sarah Stewart, illustrated by David Small (Caldecott Honor)
  • Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah!: A Letter from Camp by Allan Sherman and Lou Busch, illustrated by Jack E. Davis
  • The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters by Janet & Allan Ahlberg (See also The Jolly Pocket Postman)
  • Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett
  • Sincerely, Emerson: A Girl, Her Letter, and the Helpers All Around Us by Emerson Weber, illustrated by Jaclyn Sinquett
  • Thank You, Santa by Margaret Wild, illustrated by Kerry Argent
  • Yours In Books written by Julie Falatko, illustrated by Gabriel Alborozo Find interview and educator resources on this Children’s Book Corner post

Have a title to suggest? Scroll down to add it in the Comments section at the end of this post. 

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Meet the Author

Kyle Lukoff head shot credit Marvin Joseph

Photo credit: Marvin Joseph

Kyle Lukoff

Kyle Lukoff is the author of many books for young readers. His debut middle-grade novel, Too Bright To See, received a Newbery honor, the Stonewall award, and was a National Book Award finalist. His picture book When Aidan Became A Brother also won the Stonewall, and his book Call Me Max has been banned in schools across the country. He has forthcoming books about history, unicycles, breakups, and lots of other topics. While becoming a writer he worked as a bookseller for ten years, and then nine more years as a school librarian. Learn more on Kyle’s website.

Backstory: Q & A with Kyle Lukoff

I invited Kyle to join me at the Children’s Book Corner after having read a review copy of his funny yet serious picture book that captures authentic feelings in such an immediate and kid-friendly way. I’ve enjoyed getting to know him, and I’m pleased to introduce Kyle and this relevant book to Children’s Book Corner readers.


Judy Bradbury: Tell us about this project: What seeded its creation? How did you conceive of the story’s arc? What inspired the use of letters in the storyline?

Kyle Lukoff: The idea originally came to me while I was brainstorming ideas for my second novel. I thought the idea of writing a story in the form of apology notes was an interesting one, but ultimately set it aside as too challenging for longer fiction. Then in summer of 2020, after leaving my school library job—and realizing that COVID would dramatically impact my ability to generate income via school visits—I was casting about for new picture book ideas and realized that the apology note one was perfectly suited for that kind of storytelling. So I started writing notes like “Sorry” “Sorry Zoe” “Dear Zoe, I’m sorry you got mad,” and let the story—which is to say, the central conflict and what caused that conflict—come to me in the moment.

JB: Tell us about a challenge you faced in the creation of I’m Sorry You Got Mad, or provide a memorable (or humorous!) anecdote related to the writing of the book. 

KL: The book was originally titled “Dear Zoe,” until Betsy Bird suggested the current, and far superior, title. The reason why I chose the name Zoe is because there was someone in my life named Zoe that I hadn’t spoken to in years, because I was still very mad. I knew that naming the character Zoe was a dare to myself, to repair that relationship before the book came out. And I did! We’re friends again.

JB: What is one unexpected joy that came from the creation of I’m Sorry You Got Mad?

KL: The number of women I’ve heard from or about, who have said that they’ve given this book to their husband, or joked about how this book could have saved their marriage.

JB: What is your favorite illustration in the book? Why?

KL: Jack, standing in front of Ms. Rice, his whole body stiff with rage. I have been there.

I'm Sorry You Got Mad interior spread

 Illustration © Julie Kwon

JB: What would surprise readers to learn about you or about the writing of I’m Sorry You Got Mad?

KL: I think this is the best book I’ve ever written!

JB: Who do you perceive your target audience to be and why?

KL: At this point, anyone. It’s aimed most closely at first through fourth graders, but it absolutely could be used as a writing resource for much older students, or a lesson for adults. I even heard of a manager buying it for his supervisors.

JB: What do you hope young listeners / readers will take away from I’m Sorry You Got Mad?

KL: Oh, I don’t know. I hope that readers will take away from it something that is useful, or delightful, or particular for them. I think this book is relatable for anyone who’s ever been mad, or been gotten mad at, which is to say, everyone.

JB: How do you see I’m Sorry You Got Mad connecting to curriculum or being used in learning settings?

KL: There are the obvious social-emotional lessons that come from this, but I’ve also heard of teachers using it to teach revision and letter-writing, which is really cool.

JB: What do you remember about the first book that made an impact on you?

KL: That’s like asking me to remember my first breath, or my first heartbeat. Books were central to my childhood and continue to be central to my life. I do remember having my mind blown by There’s A Monster at The End of this Book, though. I don’t love meta-fiction like I used to, but that one is the most perfect example ever written.

JB: What project(s) are you currently working on?

KL: So many! One is currently a very secret project that I can’t wait to share about. But I’m also revising my first young adult novel, which is the most fun I’ve ever had while writing a novel.

JB: What is one question you wish I had asked, and what is your answer?

KL: Question: Aside from Zoe, what are the meanings behind the other names?

Answer: Ms. Rice is named after one of my teacher friends from the school I worked at, who is the picture of calm competence in the classroom. I chose the name Jack because I worked with a lot of students named Jack, who often needed these kinds of supports. And Ben and Jeremy are named after two friends of mine, who were delighted to be the “bad guys” in a story.


Also written by Kyle Lukoff

Books by Kyle Lukoff

Meet the Illustrator of I’m Sorry You Got Mad

Learn more about Julie Kwon and find her on Instagram.


Sidebar Spotlight New releases of note

Review stacks

Each month I receive several boxes of books to review from various publishers. As I read and peruse the books, I place them in two piles: those that I will consider featuring on the blog, and those that don’t fit the mission or theme of Children’s Book Corner blog for whatever reason. I highlight some of the books in the “possible” pile on Mondays (most weeks) on Instagram. Ultimately, I choose the one new release I will feature on my monthly blog post. Yet there are many terrific books I wish I could give a shout-out to, even if I can’t write an entire post about each one. So, Sidebar Spotlight is a means of giving a nod to new releases that, in my opinion, are noteworthy. I’ve linked each title to Bookshop so you can learn more. Happy reading, friends! And feel free to comment on these or other new books below.

The Midas Trees by D.J. Brandon is a well-paced hi-lo novel-in-verse for middle graders that will keep kids, who otherwise might not choose to read, turning the pages. Pearl and her dad lead a private, isolating life, but when he disappears, memories and caring adults who gain Pearl’s trust lead to the truth about her identity, her mother, and their separation from each other.

A Universe of Rainbows: Multicolored Poems for a Multicolored World poems selected by Matt Forrest Esenwine, illustrated by Jamey Christoph offers a collection of poems by twenty poets that celebrate rainbows across nature. From finches to “sun dogs” to moonbows and national park wonders, each poem informs and delights, accompanied by a sidebar of science facts and bright art. Grades 1-4.

News, Updates, & Items of Interest

If you would like the monthly Children’s Book Corner blog post delivered to your inbox, sign up here. We never sell or share subscriber information.

I’m delighted to share that A Little Like Magic by Sarah Kurpiel was awarded the 2025 Schneider Family Book Award for Younger Children, bestowed for books that embody an artistic expression of the disability experience. Find my interview with Sarah and educator resources on last month’s Children’s Book Corner post.

Here’s a complete list of the American Library Association 2025 Youth Media Award winners, announced on January 27, 2025.

You can find where my books and I will be on my Events page.

I am currently booking school visits and professional development sessions for 2025.

Photo credit: Jody LaRose

Find information and contact me to discuss a visit tailored to meet your school’s needs.

School Visit Thank You

A note from a teacher whose students I recently visited:

Thank you so much for coming to meet with my students. You were wonderful, answering their questions and explaining how you wrote the book. We all loved it! Here are some illustrated thank you notes the students made for you. Thank you again!

School Visit 2022 Read aloud

Read-aloud of a portion of Cayuga Island Kids Book 2, The Adventure of the Big Fish by the Small Creek

Readers Theater Oct. 22

Readers Theater, complete with props! 

School visit 100223

Festival to Go School visit 2024

And here’s a note I received after presenting “SEL-Related Children’s Books with Curriculum Tie-Ins” to teachers and librarians of Grades Pre-K—Grade 6:

Thanks so much for presenting! I heard wonderful things about your workshop! One person mentioned to me that you were so organized and passionate. They also loved seeing all the children’s books you brought with you!

SEL Books PD Presentation

Find my books packaged as a series at your favorite bookshop or purchase directly from the publisher and receive a gift with purchase! Individual titles are also available in hard, softcover, and e-book versions.

Cayuga Island Kid reading CIK

Kindness tip: If you read and like a book, consider posting a review on GoodReads, social media, or on Amazon (if you bought it there). Authors and illustrators appreciate the shout-out. Even a one-sentence comment increases visibility of a book. Also consider placing a request with your local library to purchase a copy–another free way to support a book you recommend!


Over to You…

Join the conversation! Offer your thoughts related to this month’s post:

What book that taps into feelings surrounding apologies do you recommend? Share the title, author, illustrator, and suggested age or grade range. 

You are also welcome to post a general comment.

Thanks for sharing!

Final Thought

  “Apologies aren’t meant to change the past, they are meant to change the future.”

~ Kevin Hancock, Not For Sale: Finding Center in the Land of Crazy Horse


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